We all have an immediate and active effect
On our immediate reality
Its/it's moment to moment instant creation
Its/it's longterm manifestation
Conditioning runs deep
But it is all governed by time
Catch the instant before the moment
Rewire autotonic (look it up please! )
See what was once/one before
Trusted as unchangeable
Stand in a state to know
It can be changed
Catch the monkey mind
By the monkey's tail
Before it takes another turn
Around again, again
See the moment between the moment
The instant before the assumed instance
You will see- where once it was unchangeable
Now it can be changed
Because it is known
And we have been honest
"Don't forget to pay! "
Put that re-mind in the mind
A New constant-circling-conditioning
The you yourself has set
That's the present state of state
We are charge and UN-charge
Pay your coffee
Or face certain death
Fear is conditioning
All fear is conditioning
Fear runs the world system
See time before fear
Be fear before fear
And see the world as zip
- monty
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Saturday, 1 August 2015
Freedom for West Papua - Open Source Musick
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15 years in prison for raising the West Papuan flag on West Papuan soil |
Here is an open source song which is an adaptation of a similar song in the West Papuan language. West Papua has been forcefully occupied by Indonesia in 1963 and since then hundreds of thousands of West Papuans have been killed by Indonesian military for the purpose of allowing and protecting the two largest gold mines in the world, run by American mining corporates.
There are currently more Indonesian soldiers than there are West Papuans in West Papua and to raise the West Papuan flag or to speak of freedom for West Papua holds a minimum 15 year sentence (that's if you aren't killed in the process of being incarcerated).
Australians have the power and we must stand up for West Papuans! Our old friends the Fuzzy Wuzzie Angels from WW2 need our help!
A simple recording can be found here:
G, D, Em, C
> Verse 1:
> The Sun, it goes up
> The Sun, it goes down
> Don't worry
> Your time has come (is now!) West Papua
> Chorus:
> We all like Freedom
> Freedom
> We are one family
> Freedom for West Papua
> Verse 2:
> The road has been long
> But we'll sing the freedom song
> We bring freedom
> Freedom for West Papua
> Verse 3:
> Freedom to speak
> Freedom to live
> Independence
> for the people of West Papua
> Alternative to Chorus:
> Australia
> Australia
> We no longer
> turn a blind eye, West Papua
> The Sun, it goes up
> The Sun, it goes down
> Don't worry
> Your time has come (is now!) West Papua
> Chorus:
> We all like Freedom
> Freedom
> We are one family
> Freedom for West Papua
> Verse 2:
> The road has been long
> But we'll sing the freedom song
> We bring freedom
> Freedom for West Papua
> Verse 3:
> Freedom to speak
> Freedom to live
> Independence
> for the people of West Papua
> Alternative to Chorus:
> Australia
> Australia
> We no longer
> turn a blind eye, West Papua
This is part of the Open Source Musick Projekt 2015
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
"I'm sorry but I'm too busy to act."
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Gardening at a protest house on a major highway to stop a 6 lane highway being built through an ecological habitat. |
A common attitude amongst people with empathy for world issues and at least the ability to see that this system is collapsing around them is that they would like to do something but they are too busy to do anything about it.
"I've got 2 jobs and 5 kids and dance classes and this and that," well that's great but it doesn't solve the reality that unless you stand up for change - change won't happen. And the pincers of societal regulations keep getting tighter and tighter and Australia keeps losing more and more of its rights because 'I am too busy'.
With something like the TPP - unless we stand to stop this now - the foundation that your busy-ness is sitting upon now will suddenly become very hard to subsist upon. The rules are changing. The game is changing, and you have the opportunity to change things for the interest of people over profits now. . Speak now or forever hold your chains to corporateocracy.
If we are going to be free and protect our freedoms and rights for time to come we are all going to have to make time. Or face losing everything.
Lose fear. Lose self interest. Do the minimum you require in order to survive, but get involved!
Society keeps us this busy for a reason. So we have no time for being involved.
The promises of the technological revolution only apply to the top 5 percent. They most definitely have not applied to you. Wakey wakey!
Make time.
This is your priority.
Monday, 27 July 2015
The Story of the Hippy and the Soap Box of Positivity
It's great you all want to be happy and only focus on the positive but that ability to do so is only made possible by your apparent freedom of living in a first world country. You've only experienced things like this with little change and it's like you expect it to just go on forever and you can go frolicking in the dandelions for eons to come.
Well, I'm not sorry to tell you this - but you won't be able to for long!
You will not suddenly manifest more happiness and freedom by avoiding the inevitable conflict of actually facing what is here - like taking a part in stopping the TPP, or campaigning to stop the genocide with West Papua - infact, your freedoms will simply disappear and you will be left in a position of trying to remain optimistic in a very sad, taken for granted reality.
So in order to actually manifest 'positivity' we need to realise what the present context our current perception of 'positivity' is dependent upon (this first world country with a foundation of the blood of nations) and then see exactly what expiry date that foundation of our happiness actually has and realise our positivity as we may perceive it now will also expire when that foundation expires.
Many of us avoid conflict because we don't want to involve ourselves in the energy of anger and/or conflict or confrontation. In a situation where we are required to do something in order to make a positive change in the long run we sit back and we focus on happy thoughts - we are actually actively participating in the perpetuation an extremely negative energy by doing so!
By not acting when it is ripe and standing for the rights we take for granted we submit to the rule of the negativity that runs this society. It's going to take effort and discipline to break out of this prison, so expect some level of confrontation or just die willingly in quiet submission now to save yourself the pain of going through all that.
There will always be those that can remain optimistic in any situation but I'm not wanting to become one of those people because I want the reality to reflect the mind. I don't want to have to justify a fucked up reality that I caused to be fucked up by not getting involved at the right time with an over-tolerant mind that happens to be optimistic about anything.
Come on! We actually have to move in order to get something done.
We can make this world work for all of us and not just for you and your precious positivity in your first world taken for granted rights reality which is soon to fade away any day now because of world economic order legislation that is in progress as we speak.
Let's see how much positivity you can manifest when the shit hits the fan.
Good for you if you can!
I bet you can't. And I think it's much better to actually do something now, that may involve some conflict, in order to create a greater change for all, instead of dealing with the consequences creatively after it happens and justifying it with some spontaneous bullshit some guru pulled out of their glory hole.
So get off your soap box of superiority and do something!
Here we are on our soap box of information saying - ho ho, we have it all! This is the truth! But can we act on any of it? No - well isn't that fucking useless! Our freedom is not going to be just handed to us! We need to reach out and grab it and hold the fuck on with all our might!
Anger... not always 'bad', conflict is not always 'bad', confrontation is not always 'bad'.
Be intelligent.
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
This 'new' avoidance of the use of 'force'
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Is the idea that we must simply 'let kids become what they are' just a way of silently submitting to the system of coercion that manipulates their desires outside of their conscious control? |
I don't want to force them to do anything - Julia said to her half brother.
The freshly brewed coffee filled the kitchen with an aroma that was unavoidable to anybody within a 10 meter proximity.
You know how the system, this system of coercion works don't you? - James pipes up.
Oh sure but how exactly does that justify my need to use force on my kids - her expression loving, an image of her 5 and 10 year old written all over her face - I mean, they're just so innocent.. let's just let them become what they want to become.
Well, it's a wonderful pipe dream you have there Julia. But let me tell you how it really works. You want them to learn a musical instrument but they always phase out when you try and exhibit an extreme lack of attention. You say this is because this is their life path and this is what they want. - James starts - I'm calling bullshit!
Oh, really? Why? - Julia.
Because the way the system works is through repetition of certain behaviours and tendencies, through the use of coercion through the group-mind and the media, using what is 'popular' to give them what they think they desire - James explains - and then you go on thinking that this is their natural life path and this is what they want. But these desires have been planted in by the system of coercion. Kids are blank canvases and to an extent they have their own identity but it's much more complicated than that in today's world.
I'm listening - Julia.
There are rules to human behaviour and by utilizing them the system generates desired behaviour in humans involuntarily (the subtle use of force). The system uses this force on your children to induce them into desiring things that benefit the system. When you fail to set any sort of parameters by which to live a healthy life and enjoy things with good habits because of your whimsical inability to take control, the system takes control for you, and forces through coercion what your children end up wanting and desiring; firmly planting all their desires to be dependent on an abusive money system... thus perpetuating this abusive money system - James finishes.
I see what you are saying, I suppose I honestly don't want to take that sort of an active role in my children's education. - Julia
At least you can be honest about this. Then expect to raise submissive system drones and be prepared to be rejected by them later when they side with the system, when you try to tell them differently. - James
Oh shit, what do I do? - Julia, hopeless
Take control or be controlled.
What you intelligently coerce their awareness on now (force) will be what they focus on for the rest of their lives.
You can start by 'forcing' them to learn a system of focus to enhance their memory and give them the mental faculties most children miss when growing up.
Seriously consider how you learnt all the important habits and systems of organization when you were growing up. Was it because you wandered into a field of unlimited information and had it put in you out of sheer choice? No, some hard life experience forced it into you. Now reconsider your children's education.
I'm not saying get out the stick, I'm saying observe the situation intelligently and use what you know of the system to your advantage to give your kids the real headstart they need in order to survive and teach others to love one another, independent of an abusive money system.
What choice do you have?
To a world of ignorant people - Anger muddies the message
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"This is right and you will listen," generally doesn't get the response you're looking for. |
It is their programming against anger that stops them from understanding you.
Compassion, empathy, undersanding. Let go of the anger.
Find a way to put the anger somewhere else, like music or somewhere outside of your activism.
Do this for yourself and for others.
If you hit this brick wall too many times, it may all feel hopeless. None of this integral message can be spread with anger.
Learn to control emotions in breath in order to achieve the end result of communicating with ignorant people successfully.
Communication can only occur between equals.
They are calm little sheep that have been taught with kind words and loving eyes from a lieing politician - and then you come along with the truth in a screaming fit of "Stop the illegal treatment of refugees" in a rally one day, in their city, and you have successfully turned them off the message.
We can't rely on these people to have capacity for rational deduction. We've been trying to reach them through rational deduction for centuries and only a little trickles through. It's time to play their behaviour by their game and simply cut out the anger out of all your 'messages' and 'actions'.
Release the focus to do what is required.
**EDIT 22-7-15
This is a perfect example of how to detract people from activism and increase terror legislation. This is the recent counter-demonstration to the 'reclaim australia' rally that was going nation wide. Reclaim Australia are a group that wish to 'cleanse' ethnic groups from Australia.
Uncontrolled emotion is seen by some as liberation but no, it clearly marks us as slaves incapable of self control.
Reclaim the Real Threat
You can't fix hate with hate
Posted by Jonathon Doe on Sunday, July 19, 2015
STOP TPP: Implied consent is what restricts you from freedom
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Alone we are one, together we make many |
We assume the following:
- We live in equality
- Democracy exists
- We have freedom
- The government is working in our interests
- The law is there for everybody
- Equal human rights
The following happens:
- Equality is a show, a 'grey-wash', class system is hidden amongst smiles and beliefs
- We elect puppets, who get paid by lobbyists who represent corporations to pass laws that favor big business. Democracy is a fraud, you do not get a say in what laws are passed only who is in office and anyone can be a peacock for a moment and tell you what you want.
- Freedom is quickly seen for what it is when one has no money, and then has to slave in a job that we have no recreational interest in order to earn a struggling-class wage.
- The government is bought out by big banks and corporate interest to serve an elite few, passing just enough equal measures to pass as a people's government.
- The law is there to protect those that own property (I don't own any property (property in the legal sense is land) so it isn't protecting me)
- Your rights are limited to your education of your rights. If you don't know your rights the police will take the law into their own hands and do what they please unlawfully (this is protocol).
The only changes that have happened in society that benefit humanity is when people have stood up and said NO WE WILL NOT TAKE THIS! Government did not give you: equal wages and equal voting - people walking the streets and standing for their rights did. If you don't stand for your rights now, you may never have a chance to do so again.
Ignorance + Inaction = Consent
#peoplepower #stoptpp
Tuesday, 14 July 2015
I am alone - the necessary isolation of the mind
In today's group-mind of the 'civilized world' it is important to learn how to isolate ourselves from group-minds that are toxic, especially that of the 'status-quo'. We must develop the ability to switch oneness on and off at will.
The main status-quo group-mind of the civilized world is the sum of all its parts equalized.
Of course there are separate group minds for different countries, cities, religions and other major societal factors but there is a global information field that has its toxic hold on the facade we get fooled by on the first consultation of the consciousness we assume to be 'me'.
On a day to day basis we participate in many group-minds, sometimes simultaneously. And also all these group-minds conglomerated in one experience is its own one singular mind.
For example, if there is a particular like for the colour purple in 10% of the world's population and you have no contact with any person, through the mind (consciousness field) which is non-local to the body, you will develop a liking for the colour purple.
We must discipline ourselves to understand what 'thought' and what 'like' comes from where and why and then consciously choose - "Do I want this as a part of my living reality?".
REQUIRED: Self-defense systems to train your intuition and find hard reference points by which to create a benevolent reality.
What exists now is an abusive reality based on pain to feed particular tendencies that feed on this pain.
Have you ever wondered why things are organized the way they are in 'civil-society' and thought, "It is completely irrational"? But it claims to be based on rational deduction. Are you sick of just accepting what the system says is scientific and what experts say, when events compulsively occur to the opposite of what they are saying?
In order to see the view point that deliberately created this reality as a reality of pain, one must find a reference point solid within one's self - separate from this reality of pain.
Find the solid foundation of self-trust that cannot be moved. Then cling to it with all your life and grow your lofty organism from this unchangeable anchor.
Good luck.
Breathing meditation | becoming aware of changes in breath in everyday activities | choosing to be one with or separate from a particular group mind no matter how big or small at will | self affirmation - I am alone | maintain constant awareness within and as everyday life.
Monday, 13 July 2015
Listen to the conspiracies and sift through the dross
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Is Obama really the re-incarnation of Hitler? No, but they may have a point. |
Every raving lunatic has an element of truth in their rhetoric. Who has the patience to sit and listen to everyone and pull together the pieces? Running away and labeling a raver as 'all bad' is no longer an option. Rational deduction and intelligent discrimination is paramount to survival. Everyone has access to the same information but everyone has different solid conditionings that restrict portions of information from being realised. See the wheat from the chaff.
What do you have to lose?
Sure, some of them use methods of coercion and that's something you are required to build awareness up in order to defend yourself from being manipulated and read between the coercive techniques (some have a good reason to use coercion on an otherwise asleep public, their message wasn't intended for you, it was intended for the average slave, so don't be 'smart' and scream out the 'truth' because that's just deconstructing another's possibly positive motive in this twisted system).
The best defense is self-trust. If you trust yourself as what you are and regardless of being taken for short rides here or there, you will find yourself again every-time.
You cannot lose yourself. To believe you can is actually a manifestation that you never found yourself to begin with.
Time to strip away all that you believe and think is true and walk into the fire of all the theories and truths and gurus and whatever the fuck and say, "sure, why not? Why can't this be true? Let's have a serious look at this." Allow it to flow through you, and what is left? That is you. To start with you may wander away from yourself for weeks at a time but when you come back you are stronger in the knowledge of who you are and how reality holds together. As you do more research with greater and greater self-trust, the time between 'wandering away from yourself' and finding yourself again will become much less and the inconvenience of being led down rabbit holes will be minimised.
The pieces of the whole are in many places and in order for you to realise the entire truth, you must bring it all together as yourself from its many hidden places.
No one person can have ALL the truth in a publicly accessible form - and those that claim to have it are the worst possible forms of deception (time loops of years or lifetimes before you find yourself again).
Your truth is only discoverable within yourself (as with everybody) and in the confidence of yourself, if you ever become dependent on some truth or person outside of you for you to 'be' yourself - you have been deceived. Truth as who you are is universal and one because you would not have consented to a reality without access to all that is (although a limited access).
Infact, all deception is self-deception. We choose this deception as a conscious choice.
Stop reacting in anger against all these 'nuts' and listen to what they are saying. If you are sure of yourself and you trust yourself, you will not be changed. If you fear, and react in anger you have created validity in what they have to say within you by reacting.
Reacting with ridicule is also a signifier of silent submission to what the raver has spoken.
Any time you respond with an attack YOU ARE DEFENDING SOMETHING. And if you need to defend your understanding of yourself and your foundation of trust in yourself - well there's something wrong with that picture. You tell me... I'm not going to do it for you.
People are responsible for themselves. No one can 'help' you - only you can search and make realisations independently of what other people have said - though others may provide triggers to information that already exist within you. THAT is what you are looking for.
Saturday, 11 July 2015
The Way News is Presented on TV is a form of Coercion
If you need to be looked at in the eye, and told what is true by an actor reading lines off a tele-prompter while you look at a picture of something you are told is related and then believe it to be 'objective' reality without batting an eyelid.
You are not in any capacity to make your own decisions for your own life.
You do not have free will, nor should you.
You are a slave.
You are not in any capacity to make your own decisions for your own life.
You do not have free will, nor should you.
You are a slave.
2053 : The Next Shift
(Fictional Depiction of Entropy)
Earth is a containment vessel.
All the universe has laws and rules and they hold together all that is.
There are many rejects of the regents of the empires. They are robbed of a body and thrown into the fire.
The fire is the earth and the earth it burns.
So many spirits looking for form. Millions... vieing for attention of the divine wrath.
Look at me, look at me. I am a me.
It compounds, it changes it forms, it is created, it is apparent and it exists.
Bodies again, hooray.
Let us walk, let us fuck one another, let us wander the fields.
Empires, journeys, wars, deaths, famines, hearts and spades.
Here comes the end, here comes the night shift, the next shift the one that will force those who refuse to rise to ascend.
One cannot leave the planet with a body. And with a body is with possession and possession weighs you down.
But those that remain at the brink of the shift, the next inundation, the next wave.
They will be forced to, at lease some, to leave and rise - a tempering of pressures, a fire to the Nile.
The waters will rise and vapors will set and the gases escape the earth's closed fists.
Out, OUT, OUT - foul spirit now made clean... COME OUT!
The next shift of political prisoners the universe spits at this rock called wrath, is the impending doom we have all been beset.
Out comes fires and flames and games and gold.
The colours of majick are real to behold.
Yes, those that listen and want what is right, will find their way without use of might.
But cherish the withered prisoner in your hands, and allow the darkness to beholden in bands.
Here it comes.
Here it comes.
Here it comes,
It is coming. The next wave, the wave of spirits set and rah and ruby allah.
I've been walking this earth for aeons.
I've resisted a shift, a call to ascend.
I've done this for cycles, I know my place.
My place is here, on this earth, this planet, this prison, here.
I'm not meant to know this, I was supposed to forget, but I remembered through power just like the rest. Forgive.
bend the laws, destabilize reality
you will be thrown out
Earth is a containment vessel.
All the universe has laws and rules and they hold together all that is.
There are many rejects of the regents of the empires. They are robbed of a body and thrown into the fire.
The fire is the earth and the earth it burns.
The next shift, it comes, here it comes.
So many spirits looking for form. Millions... vieing for attention of the divine wrath.
Look at me, look at me. I am a me.
It compounds, it changes it forms, it is created, it is apparent and it exists.
Bodies again, hooray.
Let us walk, let us fuck one another, let us wander the fields.
Empires, journeys, wars, deaths, famines, hearts and spades.
Here comes the end, here comes the night shift, the next shift the one that will force those who refuse to rise to ascend.
One cannot leave the planet with a body. And with a body is with possession and possession weighs you down.
But those that remain at the brink of the shift, the next inundation, the next wave.
They will be forced to, at lease some, to leave and rise - a tempering of pressures, a fire to the Nile.
The waters will rise and vapors will set and the gases escape the earth's closed fists.
Out, OUT, OUT - foul spirit now made clean... COME OUT!
The next shift of political prisoners the universe spits at this rock called wrath, is the impending doom we have all been beset.
Out comes fires and flames and games and gold.
The colours of majick are real to behold.
Yes, those that listen and want what is right, will find their way without use of might.
But cherish the withered prisoner in your hands, and allow the darkness to beholden in bands.
Here it comes.
Here it comes.
Here it comes,
It is coming. The next wave, the wave of spirits set and rah and ruby allah.
I've been walking this earth for aeons.
I've resisted a shift, a call to ascend.
I've done this for cycles, I know my place.
My place is here, on this earth, this planet, this prison, here.
I'm not meant to know this, I was supposed to forget, but I remembered through power just like the rest. Forgive.
bend the laws, destabilize reality
you will be thrown out
Friday, 10 July 2015
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Not the actual heater used in the story |
It was getting cold so I closed the door to the hallway and turned on the heater.
As I was waiting for the heater to get itself going I started hearing a noise that at first I thought sounded like soft-medium heavy rain falling on the roof.
I felt within myself a good feeling. I was happy for it to be raining, I like the feeling of it being cosy inside and raining outside.
I stood in front of that heater still and listened a little longer, but then, I doubted. The sound may probably and is probably coming from the heater and is a normal sound that the heater makes when it is in operation.
I denied this allegation by my mind.
I wanted it to be raining.
So to confirm my desire and have a 1 in a million chance that the first perception was correct. I walked over to the back door in anticipation, unlocked it and poked my head outside - not a rain cloud to be found.
It wasn't a reason to be disappointed. I got what I expected. But I hoped for what I wanted. And I went looking for a delusion.
True story.
Oh no, here we go again - This is the answer to EVERYTHING! You hear me!
The mind is controlled by what is repeated in one's environment.
If one sees a particular person, hears a particular song, sees a picture, a symbol enough times in enough varied contexts, it is the animal mind's natural reaction to this stimulus to believe that it likes it and now identifies with it.
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