Monday, 29 June 2015
This is Senator Ludlam in Australia. The original talk is listed below this article.
Australia is one of the countries that would be affected by the TPP if it was signed into law by the government involved in this dirty trade contract written by corporate bureaucrats, sacrificing our countries sovereignty and many personal rights for corporate interest.
Most of what he has to say is applicable to all nations involved in this 'free trade agreement.'
This talk was given earlier this year and things have progressed quickly since then. The latest update (24-06-2015) is that a Fast tracking bill has been passed in American congress (TPA ) because the Representatives were bought out ( ) - of the information that has been made available through WIKILEAKS, the people have consciously opposed the TPP.
This is not just for American people, the TPP (Trans-Pacific-Partnership) is a 'trade agreement' that encompasses a large list of countries that includes Australia.
This is serious shit!
Only 2 months for the public to read the TPP (actually we may never see it because everything is being negotiated in secret) before it finally gets signed into parliament. Also see -
Thinking is not talking, talking is not doing. Knowledge without the capacity to act on that knowledge is powerless. It is important to know the difference.
Saturday, 27 June 2015
Utilizing Coercion for the Greater Good
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No matter how hard we try with rational deduction; humanity still presently only looks at the bright sparkly thing and says in unison, 'there is the truth'. |
Got an idea or self-realisation that has massive implications on a world scale. Throw away the idea that the world is capable of rational deduction and intelligently scheme the data you wish to represent in the only language that the zombies that live on planet earth understand: Coercion.
No matter how hard we try with rational deduction; humanity still presently only looks at the bright sparkly thing and says in unison, 'there is the truth'.
No matter how hard or factual your information is. No matter how important it is to mankind. It's ability to be received by the public is still (after all these centuries) dependent on the media of presentation, the person presenting it and the way it is presented; and NOT the actual workability of the information, its factualness or its immediate implications on real people living real lives.
Accept that the system of coercion is a hologram placed over reality and if you do not present to holograms the information they can ingest in a way they can ingest it, it simply will not be received.
A homeless man cannot in our present age, stand on a box, tell the world that time will finish next week and that we are all to say our prayers before we die.
Reality is probabilistic and statistical. 1 in 1,000,000 will listen to this man and heed his words (I'm potshotting here). 1 in 100 will ridicule him. 1 in 500 will report him to the authorities - etc and so forth. Well if it really was ending and this man was presenting a true datum and this was the only means by which people could receive the message ('the' message, as opposed to 'his' message because I am in this paragraph assuming it is fact for the sake of the allegory) - then all those poor mothers and fathers would miss their last goodbyes to their loved ones. This man can only hope in one thing, the butterfly effect, and that that 1 in 1 trillion trillion chance of someone that is a somebody in the system of coercion that has anything to do with anything will hear his words for the truth that it is and then spread it through their mediums of communication and this important message would be successfully distributed to a larger mass of the populace which would hopefully create a critical mass. In other words, this homeless man by standing on a box and shouting out truth almost incoherently, hopes to win the lottery.
Now, let's just say that same message was spread by Obama in an internationally televised speech. 1 in 200 Americans would believe him off the bat. 1 in 500 would think it was a conspiracy. 1 in 10 would think it through and then act later but considering the critical mass created by these already very favourable stats - people would act quickly and decisively on what is said because of the effect the momentum of the group-mind has on everyone around it (regardless of how critical people may like to think they are).
Consider this extreme analogy and relate it to both true and false information that is spread by you and me in comparison to that spread by 'elected leaders' in the real world.
No matter how important what you have to say is, it just does not matter to anyone if you are a no-one to their inner-hierarchy-of-authority structure. While rational deduction sounds great and making our own decisions based on facts proven with real evidence sounds great - there is a large population that profess to make these 'rational decisions' and yet are completely controlled and manipulated by coercion validated by assumed authority. Thinking about something is not doing it. There is an even larger population that don't bother trying to entertain their egos with the super-power of rational deduction and simply do what they are told by the most successfully coercive individual on the podium.
To successfully seed and spread a real idea that has real implications (like 'capping rent prices in all major cities around the world to stem the rising surge of homelessness' or 'allowing West-Papua independence and freedom from the genocide and tyranny of Indonesia and banking moguls of America'); one must presently, still, use coercion. In order to communicate with the system and its parts (the people in the system/zombies) one must use the language of the system, one must use a language that they understand.
For more information on coercion and coercive technique please refer to this article:
What then is the long-term answer to all our issues in the world? Take the power from the skilled coercive community by teaching the public about coercive technique and generating a survival-priority-need for self-awareness.
And because no-one seems to be listening (no one seems to be there at all for that matter) - Use coercion to train this legion of dead public how coercion is used on them to control them (make them self-aware).
This includes: morality, assumed authority, laws and government, leaders, spiritual leaders, gurus, 'experts', professors - the empire of authority, religion, the assumption of objective reality, science, philosophy etc.
Manipulate and coerce the public to force feed them lessons of how manipulation and coercion work on a practical level (the barley-greens of mind-mechanics!).
Don't give them the choice to understand or not understand just simply turn that snake around in on itself and cause it to eat itself and until they realise what is going on. With such living knowledge they will be causing their own inner-destruction (and not destruction of the planet) until self-realisation ensues..
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Ouroborous - Ouroo-what? The perfect symbol of the consumer. |
Just like now!
Only the process will be exposed much more honestly (and much more quickly for that matter) and coercion will not have a place in the lives of humans.
Consider the implications of this world - a world that is honest because we understand who we are and what we are capable of.
ps. The backfiring of such a plan is the possibility that the reason why so many are unaware of the coercive techniques used on them to control their everyday lives is because they have actually chosen consciously (at some point) to remain unaware/unconscious. Is the choice to remain unaware a choice we should respect? Not when so much pain is being caused by a system controlled by megalomaniacs that implement coercion to control a non-self-controlled public. Wake the public up... and this does not mean anger, it means compassion.
FREEDOM FREEDOM is the RESET of the System of Dominance
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Say no to this! |
To attain true freedom we must reset the system of dominance.
What people think they own. Land, possessions, mind, philosophy, music.
Reset it all. Give it back to the people.
Give it back to the individual human physical body.
Give humanity another chance at vulnerability.
Remove all defences.
Remove all security systems.
Create Freedom.
This is how we create freedom.
You want freedom,
Well, here it is!
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
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Are you aware of what you are buying both in social capital and money? |
**This information is pulled from my subjective reality which has as much validity as any other's subjective reality data. There is no such thing as an objective reality and life is co-subjective at best. Use it as you will with a pinch of salt if it's safer that way for you in order to integrate it into your reality.**
In day to day communication. You may be a victim of coercion. A good sign that this is the case is that you will make a decision with a particular person or group of persons and later come to the realisation that the decision you made is not what you wanted at all or is not for your best interests. The time between being coerced and finding out you've been coerced may be a few minutes, a few years... it may even take you a lifetime to figure it out before you get that 'aha' moment.
Let's take a closer look...
What is Coercion?
1. Utilizing techniques of communication that cause involuntary compliance of the target.
2. Doing that which causes activation of emotional response to manipulate an outcome of communication
3. Activating the animal fight-or-flight impulse in the target in order to limit the capacity for rational intelligent deduction of the now-opponent.
The user of coercion (the coercer) is not required to be aware of its use In order for It to be effective.
Generally coercion is a two way street and dictates a level of compromise of rational deduction in both parties when an emotional response is activated.
Coercion is commonly learned subconsciously through childhood as a survival mechanism of the user and from there it may drip into other areas of life as a means by which to control everything in one's reality.
Persons born into an abusive family are often victims of coercion and therefore are natural coercers themselves. . That abused person (emotional, physical, sexual) may then spend a lifetime looking for the control they lost within themselves all that time ago utilizing coercive technique that 'comes natural' to them and gets them what they want; though often they are unable to explain how they get what they want.
Not until the coercer is aware they are coercing and realise its debilitating effect on freewill (eliminating meaningful relationships and any chance of real happiness) and its inability to cause longterm decisions in their target; will they see a reason to make an effort to change their behaviour.
Intelligent deduction in a world of coercion is having the ability to live outside the animal while living within one - as it is the animal that is manipulated then we are coerced.
The irony of this form of control is that those that practice coercion are the most vulnerable to coercion.
It's a coercer coerce coercer world.
The need to coerce may stem from insecurity of self and a mistrust of the surrounding environment; and is often triggered into play by an overactive irrational sense that one is being deprived of necessary elements of survival. Infact, survival drive if utilizable (put a carrot on that donkey will you?) can be used by a subconscious coercer semi-aware of their naturally learned coercive skills to manipulate this 'demon within' to serve their greater intentions.
Justification for coercion by the coercer Is commonly linked to an I-am-always-right complex (aka My experience is absolute). This indicates a lack of acceptance of subjective realities of others (empathy) (aka My way or the highway).
Discrete coercers keep their intentions to themselves and only allow a seepage of the true self when it is most able to serve their greater intentions.
Activating adrenal glands can trigger coercive behaviour in the involuntary coercer. Release of adrenaline is activation of a higher heartrate and activation of the psychological fight-or-flight impulse which is then reciprocated in the target-co-coercer through electromagnetism. A 'fighter' and a 'flyer' is subconsciously decided in the moment... the coercive triggering individual may naturally be the fighter causing a temporary shutdown of intelligence faculties in the flyer. The fighter then becomes focused on 'winning the energy' (being right, in many cases being righteously right (subjective morality being a key justification for coercion)) and the coercer has available to itself only those intelligence and physical faculties which prove it to win the energy. Certain intelligence faculties may also be hightened/over-stimulated/amplified in the fighter, giving them an unnatural sense of superiority which is reciprocated subconsciously by the flyer who takes on the victim status.
This can be anything from a long conversation to a short interval in a conversation but it offers a direct link from the flyer's conditioning to the coercer's mouth. Thus enabling instant reprogramming of conditioning in the moment of fight-or-flight activation. (Conditioning in this sense is the information and habits that form the character that have been set in stone by years of being raised in certain way in certain conditions).
Many people remain unaware of their bodily defenses being activated in a moment of coercive behaviour (eg. the neurochemical changes in the brain, rise of heartrate) so they will seemlessly enter and leave a fight-or-flight state without being aware of what their physical body has been doing. A key defense for the large contingent of people unaware of these physical changes is their dominant-group-mind - the communication and integration of information that is in their immediate environment of influence: close friends, family, workmates etc. A bad decision or bad information programmed from having been coerced by a coercer is quickly neutralised by communication with someone in their dominant-group-mind. Thus affirming for people (especially those that choose to remain unaware when faced with the option of self-realisation) that it is always safer with a group. People who feel alone or that isolate themselves from groups and society are therefore generally more vulnerable to coercive individuals and groups. However, the dominant group mind is only one defence and it is not always reliable as group minds can be wrong.
Breathing, focusing on the breath and becoming aware of changes in breathing patterns is a good defense when you are alone, which makes it possible to at least know when coercion is taking place and get out of there before any damage is done to your regular day to day conditioning. With more practice of maintaining awareness in breath a disciplined control can be developed at which one can choose in any situation whether one enters fight-or-flight no matter how 'dangerous' a situation might be (infact you can increase your chances of survival in a REAL dangerous-situation by learning to control the panic button within). Those that coerce unaware of their coercion will quickly lose interest in you because the physical signals are not reciprocated by your body to show that control of your perception is possible.
Had enough of coercion?
Why not try rational deduction?
In the end if what you have to say is right.. it will stand for itself and it doesn't require you to convince anyone non-consentually and only temporarily that YOU are RIGHT. (Spot the difference between these two statements - 'I' am right - or - 'it' is right. One is about self-interest and the other is the pursuit of the truth, a mixture of these two categories creates a group-mind separate from our ever changing reality. If I say, 'it is right' it is normally attached to the word 'because' and then evidence can be stated. When simply stating 'I am right' it is assumed we must agree with you off the bat and if you are using coercion well, it is less likely anyone will question you (having said this, there is good and bad coercion - some people are better at it than others). Let us instead propagate self-awareness and teach people to live in the moment so coercion can no longer have a place in our lives. In the longrun real decisions get made by the entire being (not just the mind you take for the ride with a moments coercion) and this creates certainty and trust within the person.. which generates certainty and trust in the community = a better world for all. (As above, so below, blah blah.)
Honesty honesty
Redefine honesty after what you have just read.
Got some anger you can't get rid of?
Find an outlet. Or, depending on your nature, an impending involuntary coercion episode in your life is inevitable due to a constant rising, surging feeling of lack of control and no ready place for this pseudo-need to go. (SAGA!)
Music, art, honest leadership - anything where you are in control unconditionally. Find a place for this part of yourself so you don't damage others. If we respect the fragility of those around us -- sensitive, contented longterm friendships can be had and happiness is maximised because we don't receive happiness from training someone to be our robotic slave.
Want to deal with it and move on?
Meditation - acceptance of a lack of control, or no control at all.
Let Go
Let Go
Let Go
Let Go
Let Go
Let Go
Coercion isn't strictly activating a fight-or-flight response, though this is a good illustration to explain about coercive technique. Coercion is the triggering of any emotional response in the target to create involuntary compliance to the coercer's intentions.
Any emotional response is an extra filter on the individual's capacity to make a rational deduction. Cults start small and slowly worked their way out because the coercive-cult-leader starts by coercing one individual and then slowly expands to more people as is carefully convenient, creating a group-mind that can stand on its own.
(The resilience of a group-mind within actual reality, stands testament to the level of actual reality that it represents. All group-minds are doomed to re-dissolve back into the ether because none of them represent the ever changing actual reality we thrive within on a cycle to cycle basis -- none ever can).
(The resilience of a group-mind within actual reality, stands testament to the level of actual reality that it represents. All group-minds are doomed to re-dissolve back into the ether because none of them represent the ever changing actual reality we thrive within on a cycle to cycle basis -- none ever can).
Many christian groups are toxic involuntary-coercion-cancers. You must be coerced in order to believe in the bible. Because of the christian-group-mind's size (take any religion for that matter), it offers an attractive shelter for sensitive minds who've had enough of 'the fight' in the dog eat dog. Christianity has done many good things, but it has also done many despicable things - simply look at history.
(Consider how many group-minds you have been coerced into from a child - nationalism, statism, democracy, 'equality', obedience to authority, common morality - not all of them serve 'bad' purposes, but it is time we stopped looking at things as all 'good' or all 'bad' (which are terms derived from the coercive world (emotional triggered morality state of thinking = superstition)) and instead look at the outcomes).
(Consider how many group-minds you have been coerced into from a child - nationalism, statism, democracy, 'equality', obedience to authority, common morality - not all of them serve 'bad' purposes, but it is time we stopped looking at things as all 'good' or all 'bad' (which are terms derived from the coercive world (emotional triggered morality state of thinking = superstition)) and instead look at the outcomes).
Children require no coercion because they trust people straight out of the box.
But as an adult, there is no place in this world for blind trust. We live in a world of intentional and unintentional coercion cancers both public and secret, attempting to align you by force (coercion) with their specific intentions.
Well isnt it ALL coercion then?
To an extent, yes.
But remember, reality is made of actions which manipulate physical substance. Always look at the outcome of a group to know its true intent. Some groups profess macabre evil but actually create good and trust within a community. Don't judge a book by its cover. Other groups like government Institutions profess good but are bought out by corporate lobbyists and contribute to the most heinous acts of genocide.
Some groups were great to start but only had a positive effect if they accepted themselves as being only temporary (dissolve at will, dammit!). But because of the desire to go on forever (omnipotence bwahaha!) aka 'we have the eternal answer', these initially great and well meaning groups have become malevolent coercion cancers sucking the life out of this beautiful soul we call earth. Think Religion. It could be said the group-mind that had a positive effect initially, died when it was taken past its useby date, and a malevolent evil twin that has the effect of sucking the life out of everything around it took hold. (This new evil twin is also temporary but in complete denial of its temporariness, and it will take all that is around it down with it in order to prove that everything with it, is temporary (bwahaha!) - the ultimate self-interest and delusion) (see .
As Jesus said (well I have been coerced at some stage while in an emotionally-triggered-state/childhood-trust to believe he is real and said these words) -- you will know them by their fruits. (meaning 'actions' or outcomes).
The true intent is the actual outcome of any group. To align the two (intent and outcome) from start to finish over a time track willfully is the definition of real magick.
Good intentions are not enough. One may have a bee in the bonnet that comes along for the ride and finds a way to express itself in whatever you do thus changing a positive intent into a negative outcome.
Every group mind is, in a sense, a coercion-cancer. The alternative to the group mind is Sovereignty. True sovereignty has no need of coercion and has no need of justifying its existence by creating around it a group-mind. It is a self-supporting and stable structure.
A Sovereign may always attract fleas, due to a large contingent of the population not wanting to take responsibility of their predicament but the Sovereign is NEVER dependent on their 'service'. (look out for fleas, they'll find your weak spots and milk them! Think of it like, cancer training.)
Every group mind is, in a sense, a coercion-cancer. The alternative to the group mind is Sovereignty. True sovereignty has no need of coercion and has no need of justifying its existence by creating around it a group-mind. It is a self-supporting and stable structure.
A Sovereign may always attract fleas, due to a large contingent of the population not wanting to take responsibility of their predicament but the Sovereign is NEVER dependent on their 'service'. (look out for fleas, they'll find your weak spots and milk them! Think of it like, cancer training.)
Sovereigns are real. They are Independent and respect the subjectivity and independence of other sovereigns - That is what makes a Sovereign a Sovereign. (And I'm not talking about the Queen by the way).
The last type of coercer is the willfully aware coercer that deliberately designs a group mind with a particular purpose. This is the game of thrones but an extended explanation of this anomaly is not suitable to the scope of this web-article.
Coercion when seen for what it is, is the use of force. Any time we use force we eliminate free will. Coercion is a dark malevolent art that always has repercussions because what we push down when we coerce comes back up again ten-fold (damn biblical upbringing and conditioned biblical terms!!).
I hope you enjoyed the read and have been enlightened as to the scourge that has taken control of our awareness over the millenia.
It's time to take it back.
As Sovereigns we stand.
-- Montego Ikarus --
(more on Coercion for good -
You may be at the bottom of the barrel with no friends and no life because you have tried to overcontrol everyone and everything. Now's a good time to change.. ain't it?
-- Montego Ikarus --
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
How God fooled us all - The beginning of psychological slavery using a guilt complex derived from original sin which rationalises the irrational justification of an unjust banking system to which we are physically enslaved
The story of Adam and Eve, is just a story.
Yes, but let us analyse this story in a little detail.
In modern psychology and NLP (a branch of research dedicated to control the uninhibited-actions-part-of-the-brain to utilize it for a purpose) we have discovered that if you are told NOT to do something or NOT to think about something, it is exactly what you will find yourself dwelling on.
One could argue that in the story of Adam and Even, it was God's intention to get Eve to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree all along.
He told her, this is the one thing you CANNOT do. God, being God, knowing what humans are and their tendencies and their uninhibited world of thought (because he created them didn't he?), basically told them, GO AND EAT OF THAT TREE! By telling them - DO NOT EAT OF THAT TREE.
Then after it happened, he had a reason to blame them for everything. And we have the idea that sin is inherent within all of us because Adam and Even (ha, I keep on mispelling Eve this way) sinned first and we are their descendants.
Was God jealous of our physicality? Well, he wanted to create a race of people he could put all of his suppressed anger within. He created the race and all of its quirky uninhibited tendencies for the supreme, specific purpose of taking the blame for everything, and living a life of guilt for eternity.
This should really be put another way for you all to understand more clearly in a practical political context of todays shit-is-hitting-the-fan-right-now-world.
Welcome to the class system. There is a set of knowledge, rules and morality taught to the lower classes and then there is a clearly different view of reality that is taught to the ruling class by the ruling class.
We are taught that we are born into sin and this is proven to have been true (by this impregnable story), for the purpose of making it feel that we, the lower classes, owe something constantly and can never pay back what we owe, and thereby are constantly indebted to something greater than us.
Sounds like a pretty good psychological fit for the banking system don't it? We work, work, work, getting forever in debt and always having to pay off what we owe, when those that are born into the correct family live a very different life with a very different education.
You owe no one anything.
Wake up to the reality, that this world-system was not made in your favor.
It was made to control you and morality as defined by the church is a part of it.
Let us write music, let us write music about this, about this deception about the effect this 'guilt' has had on our consciousness throughout the millenia.
As God, as your own God, forgive yourself. Move on. Let's free the people from psychological slavery.
Monty xx
Monday, 1 June 2015
First World Country Blues - Open Source Musick Projekt Release
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"You were born in a first world country, good for you, what an achievement, good for you, yeah." - Montego Ikarus |
Another Open Source Musick Projekt Release ( by Montego Ikarus (
Copyright the Open Source Musick Projekt 2015
Here is a recording of the song played LIVE - The lyrics and soloing are improvised (as all good music should be) so the lyrics below are not exactly the recording, but muck around with the song - it's really fun to write new verses for this one.
If you want to start writing but haven't got the confidence yet - TRY THIS - 1. Feel the song (if you don't feel it, don't do it). 2. Empathize with the intent/starting point of the song and feel yourself in that position (or change it according to something that you can feel it for - eg, I sing Folsom Prison Blues from the perspective that first world life and all its boxes is really just a fluffed up style of fancy prison for higher class slaves). 3. Write. 4. Sing and make it rote (repeat until you don't need to read it). 5. Put your own feel into it, every time you perform. 6. Don't be frightened of forgetting lyrics or singing the wrong thing, improvise! In the moment sing what is true for you, and if you are feeling it, the words come!
The entire Live performance is here:
The song "First World Country Blues" starts @ 13:43
The chords are Am7 dropping down to Gm7 and sometimes playing the Abm7 in between. Played sometimes as A7 or G7 instead. The turn-around drops down to F, E and then up to G and back to the regular rhythm pattern.
Make it into anything you like. Rock, classic soul, metal - muckaround, have fun and explore your musical self.
First World Country Blues
If you wanna be a lover, well you can be a lover
If you wanna be a fool, you can be afraid
If you want the world to end, well it can end for you
All of these things can be true
If you wanna be a winner, well go out and win something
If you wanna be a thief, well go out and steal a thing
If you wanna be a stray, sit with your hat in front of you
If you wanna be an anarchist, go and burn a police vehicooole…
How hard it is to find, Good help around here
Who wants to serve the people, That need the servin’
If we’re gonna make it work, for all of us
Some of us sometime, may have to practice
Curbing our desires
You’re in control, first world country doll
If you wanna be a dickhead, well grow a dick on your head
If you wanna grow old, then tinker away
If you wanna make money, learn the apathy trade
All of these things you can do because you were born in a first world country
oh yeah…
If you wanna be the devil, then you can sign a pact
If you wanna be a critical thinker, then start looking at the facts
If you wanna be free so you can see, open your eyes,
You’ve had them closed all this time
First world country doll
If you wanna be a fool, you can be afraid
If you want the world to end, well it can end for you
All of these things can be true
If you wanna be a winner, well go out and win something
If you wanna be a thief, well go out and steal a thing
If you wanna be a stray, sit with your hat in front of you
If you wanna be an anarchist, go and burn a police vehicooole…
How hard it is to find, Good help around here
Who wants to serve the people, That need the servin’
If we’re gonna make it work, for all of us
Some of us sometime, may have to practice
Curbing our desires
You’re in control, first world country doll
If you wanna be a dickhead, well grow a dick on your head
If you wanna grow old, then tinker away
If you wanna make money, learn the apathy trade
All of these things you can do because you were born in a first world country
oh yeah…
If you wanna be the devil, then you can sign a pact
If you wanna be a critical thinker, then start looking at the facts
If you wanna be free so you can see, open your eyes,
You’ve had them closed all this time
First world country doll
If you wanna be a pimple, then you can pop
If you wanna be dramatic, then get out of my way
If you want democracy, then you’re going to have to suffer majority rule
And I don’t like that very much because I am definitely, a minority
Oh baby…
If you want to be a worker in a fantasy trade
You can start selling cupcakes and live in sugar’s malaise
You want to walk on the moon? Then wake Stanley Kubrick from his grave
If you want to be a spiritual teacher, go jump in a lake
yeah… in a lake
If you want to get married, have a cup of tea instead
It’s better than… all that
If you want to make real money
You’re going to have to start a war
That’s right, kill those slaves,
make them fight wars you paid for
‘cause you’re in control
First world doll
(at least for now)
If you want to be a love, well you can be a lover
If you want to be a fool, then you can be afraid
If you want the world to end, well it can end for you
All of these things can be true… for you
First world country doll
You’re in control
First world country boy
You’re in control
At least for now
You’re in control
Grab the iron while it’s hotIf you wanna be dramatic, then get out of my way
If you want democracy, then you’re going to have to suffer majority rule
And I don’t like that very much because I am definitely, a minority
Oh baby…
If you want to be a worker in a fantasy trade
You can start selling cupcakes and live in sugar’s malaise
You want to walk on the moon? Then wake Stanley Kubrick from his grave
If you want to be a spiritual teacher, go jump in a lake
yeah… in a lake
If you want to get married, have a cup of tea instead
It’s better than… all that
If you want to make real money
You’re going to have to start a war
That’s right, kill those slaves,
make them fight wars you paid for
‘cause you’re in control
First world doll
(at least for now)
If you want to be a love, well you can be a lover
If you want to be a fool, then you can be afraid
If you want the world to end, well it can end for you
All of these things can be true… for you
First world country doll
You’re in control
First world country boy
You’re in control
At least for now
You’re in control
Cut, copy, paste - live, play on the street!
As I am!
Monty xx
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