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City of London = Corporation, Australia = Corporation, America = Corporation |
Hell, there's been no better time to start running around and screaming like a crazy person.
There is no better moment for a paid ACTOR working for corporate money including a news reporter, a famous musician or performer; or politician, president or CEO; to look you in the eye and say "it will be ok, the TPP, TiSA, TPA, TAA - it's in your best interests - everything will be alright."
On trade, Here's what the President signed into law 29-06-2015 - https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2015/06/29/trade-here-s-what-president-signed-law
1: The way these deals are painted into such a pretty picture is horrifyingly disturbing. We are dealing with very sick people. These people are the elected leaders.
3. Blah, blah, blah - Posted for 2 months. When they have been negotiated in secret for up to 5 years. That's transparency? You've got to be fucking joking Obama. You're a fucking paid actor. Go get a spaceship and go somewhere else!
WikiLeaks offers $100k for copies of the Trans-Pacific Partnership – big biz's secret govt pact
Politicians still won’t reveal super-hush-hush trade treaty
1. Let's see it then, if it's 'going to help so many people' - let's see it!
2. " "What's most troubling for many people is that the TPP would trump domestic laws. Under the terms leaked so far, transnational corporations would have the right to sue governments for loss of earnings if they pass laws that hurt their profits. "
Free speech as a right could be withdrawn because the public who are bonds to the government are effectively acting as the government and if your actions cause an infringement on corporate interest then the government would be sued and you would be dealt with by the government as an inoperable, faulty employee of the government. This is total social control... The TPP is fucking real and it just got pushed forward to be finally signed in 2 months.
1. If you ever wanted to scream out shit on the streets and tell everyone the proverbial end of the world is coming - now's your chance - cause after a couple of months, speaking your mind may become unlawful.
2> If you ever wanted to scream out shit on the streets and tell everyone the proverbial end of the world is coming - now's your chance - cause after a couple of months, speaking your mind may become unlawful.
3. I'm not talking about government employment in this sense. By being born into a country, like Australia you are born into employment of that country. You are a bond/liabililty - your birth certificate is the agreement. Australia is actually a corporation and so is America. Inner-city London is another.
The TPP isn't the bogey-treaty that we think it is
This one is a more objective story than most but, as Australian as he could be decides to knock down the tall poppy trying to raise awareness of the TPP. This article was written before the the passing of the TPA.
It's hilarious [scary hilarious] to watch corporate media protect their corporate interests by giving the TPP a good rep and saying "it's not the bogey-treaty we expect it to be" - If there was ever a better time to wake up, it is now - It will allow corporate interest over government law making power, it in effect makes the people subject to the profit-margin - if a law or regulation affects their profits, they can sue the government for infringing on their rights as 'job creators'.
It's hilarious [scary hilarious] to watch corporate media protect their corporate interests by giving the TPP a good rep and saying "it's not the bogey-treaty we expect it to be" - If there was ever a better time to wake up, it is now - It will allow corporate interest over government law making power, it in effect makes the people subject to the profit-margin - if a law or regulation affects their profits, they can sue the government for infringing on their rights as 'job creators'.
1.With the technological revolution there have been less and less jobs and little increase in social programs - infact a decrease in social programs and in this - even forms of ethnic cleansing of the lower classes.
The technological revolution was meant to lower working hours and increase quality of living for everyone.
Are you awake yet?2> The only people the promises of the technological revolution has become true for is the ruling class.
Oops, Wikileaks has done it again - Not a joke. Not a conspiracy - this is a world economic order. The TPP is just the beginning.
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Hello Mr J |
"The Obama administration’s desire for “fast track” trade authority is not limited to passing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). In fact, that may be the least important of three deals currently under negotiation by the U.S. Trade Representative. The Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) would bind the two biggest economies in the world, the United States and the European Union. And the largest agreement is also the least heralded: the 51-nation Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA)."
"Unsurprisingly, this has raised far more concern globally than in the United States. But a completed TiSA would go through the same fast-track process as TPP, getting a guaranteed up-or-down vote in Congress without the possibility of amendment. Fast-track lasts six years, and negotiators for the next president may be even more willing to make the world safe for corporate hegemony. “This is as big a blow to our rights and freedom as the Trans-Pacific Partnership,” said Larry Cohen, president of the Communication Workers of America in a statement, “and in both cases our government’s secrecy is the key enabler.”"
"Unsurprisingly, this has raised far more concern globally than in the United States. But a completed TiSA would go through the same fast-track process as TPP, getting a guaranteed up-or-down vote in Congress without the possibility of amendment. Fast-track lasts six years, and negotiators for the next president may be even more willing to make the world safe for corporate hegemony. “This is as big a blow to our rights and freedom as the Trans-Pacific Partnership,” said Larry Cohen, president of the Communication Workers of America in a statement, “and in both cases our government’s secrecy is the key enabler.”"
Has anyone any idea of what all this actually means?
Good bye cloak of democracy and equality - hello Good Buy corporate interest! Nothing in secret anymore... the predatorial-profit-motive is the god we worship.
Good bye cloak of democracy and equality - hello Good Buy corporate interest! Nothing in secret anymore... the predatorial-profit-motive is the god we worship.
A US Senator standing against the TPP - Important information about the slippery hand the international corporate world has in our courtrooms and law reforms.
Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement
100+ law professors agree: A TPP trade deal that includes an Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provision would undermine US sovereignty. Watch my floor speech on why giving foreign corporations special rights to challenge our laws outside of our legal system would be a bad deal.
Posted by U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday, March 11, 2015
There are still some good US senators that have not been bought out.
"The only winners will be international corporations."
NAB and Westpac’s Secret Bailout Revealed [2008 GFC Australia]
Here comes the TPP.. Remember this? Well, in short, major banking institutions that are thought to be Australian are already owned by American corporate interest! The bailout happened at the same time as the Global Financial Crisis in 2008 (we didn't suffer from that, the bank-owned-media told us). The TPP is a natural progression from this bailout... Where's the money honey? Says the American Federal Reserve to NAB and Westpac and other banks in Australia making dirty deals without notifying its shareholders - "It's coming guys, our wonderful panacea called the TPP is on its way, the great thing is, no-one knows what's in it because we've kept it secret."
We live in a reality that unless we take control - it takes control of us for us.
Is the US set to be the next Greece?
"State and local pension plans throughout the United States are underfunded, which has some financial experts wondering whether the type of economic crisis that befell Greece could hit America sometime soon."
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/us/20150701/1024061262.html#ixzz3ehKfFIj9
Here comes the TPP - and this is happening... do you question.. is America trying to get enough monetary political leverage in all its allies in order to rape them of their hard earned wealth? The TPP is a contract with the DEVIL (allegory, not real devil, please don't think me that way.)
Thinking is not talking, talking is not doing. Knowledge without the capacity to act on that knowledge is powerless. I deem it important to define the difference.
== montego ikarus ==
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