Monday, 18 July 2016


Awesome clip created by Tom and Gerry. Including live footage of music from the launch on the 7th of the 7th.
Standing up for what is real has become increasingly a state of Domestic Terrorism. Now by standing up for your sovereign rights in Australia you are deemed a potential terrorist threat by the Australian government. This is the basis behind the name and it is not to mock or denigrate people involved in or killed in real attacks - To whom I extend my condolences.

Friday, 15 July 2016

Cat Massacre by Cell Phone Inundation Legal in Ghana Due to Worldwide Pokemon Craze!

Cat's are seen to be pokemon by troubled Nsawam population

Recently in small town Nsawam, Ghana, there has been a recent cat massacre purportedly approved by the local authorities. This has come about from many of its citizens getting low grade internet and watching people in western countries play the recent cult hit video game made for a smart phone - "Pokemon Go".

There were numerous written requests and even violent molatov accompanied requests to the local authorities regarding a fight for the inequality that people in western countries can eat and have a reasonably good life, regardless of the socio-political status and still walk around all day playing a stupid game, at times even 'pouncing' off cliffs in order to catch their elusive prey.

As a short term solution the local council has decided it best to use this opportunity to quell the local rising cat population and has publicly broadcast that mobile phones (no matter what type) are indeed 'pokeballs' and that cats (the real ones you see walking around the streets of Nsawam) are 'pokemon'. And that to catch them you must throw your mobile at the cat until it is dead.

"The streets, although filled with life, joy and laughter are also covered in cat blood." - Owner of Everything in Nsawam.

Local animal rights activists that have intercepted such a negative ploy to animal rights fear this trend may hit record highs and all villages in lower socio-economic practices around Africa will take to the sport.

"It's an abusive sport. We've got to stop it before it's too late," Sandra Poo, local animal rights extremist.

Unfortunately we haven't heard anything back from the region regarding the development of this 'fad'. Insiders fear it may be caused by lack of a means of communication to our wealthy central towers in Western London. It seems even Sandra Poo has 'Thrown the phone.'

Next on Dead Reality - "Throwing the phone" the new kickphrase that has memes, lolcat and the rest of the first world cackling; what could be more innocent than throwing your phone at a dead cat?!"

 - Plant your pokemon under a tree and wait for rain

 - lolcat isn't funny anymore

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Montego Ikarus Crowd Funding Campaign 2016

Contribute here:

Montego Ikarus to record first studio album. Support activism, support independent music. Free download of concept album to be had here: 

Thank you Andrew Litster for making this interview and volunteering his services.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Be Yourself - Spontaneous Writing

If I lie to the police
I get a court order
If the TV lies to me and 20 million others
It’s a fine sunny day

Call it what you want
Justify it how you like
But I’ve got one name for it
I call it fascism

The web of lies
The den of lunatics
Runs so deep
We’ve forgotten real reality
Sullied amongst the depths

Freedom, freedom
We say, we scream
Equality, democracy
Dogma for dogs
Get them while they’re young
Totalitarianism by any other name
Never tasted so sweet

The media controls the mind
The mind controls the group
The people are controlled
Free choice is an illusion
A dogma like democracy
Frequency, repetition, vibration
affects water

Be water my friend
I am water, I’ve no choice
Water is tangible, moveable, changeable
imprintable, lovable, hateable, indelible,
Be what you are
We whatever you want your water to be
Turn off the TV, Burn the Newspaper
Control your water my friend
Control yourself
Love yourself

-- montego ikarus

Thursday, 16 June 2016


The Grand Moveable Feast

Up comes along the greatest feast
Another conflict,  another chance,  a release
The rain it comes,  oh no! We feast!
The cold or the hot burns! Yum we eat!

Eating,  gourging, never stopping,  never sleeping
Oh mother benefit where is my meat?
Terror terror terror terror bang bang bang bang
Mmm, yummy honey,  it's so so sweet!

Bobble-head north east west and south
Ze best corporate conflict chefs, Bon Appettit!
Mmm, mmm, yummy yummy,  magis conflictus
More big world trouble woe, oh what a treat!

Look another terrorist!  Writing on the wall!
Who will save us and who will we call? !
Mmm, mmm, yummy so delish!
I dare not admit I enjoy a good stiff

The end,  the end,  the end is nigh
A lovely bountiful beautiful feast
Inner turmoil, inner conflict
I can push it all out for the moveable feast

Look, look, looky! It's happening over here!
No wait!  It's changed,  it's moved over there.
This time! This place!  No wait,  over there
All hail the end the grand moveable feast.

-- montego ikarus

**Hier clicken!

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Livin' on the Street - Blues in B - Open Source Musick Release

I wrote this yesterday while observing the street and thinking of the possibility of having to live on it again because I can only just afford to pay rent and expenses and just get by:
Livin' on the Street (Blues in B)
Living on the streets
No dole and living on a beggars wage
Alchohol ain't my comfort seat
Caffeine and sugar my only addictions
Who can afford these rooms?
Who can afford these houses?
Slaves can
and people with money bowsers
Not me, not ever
I am no one's slave
From no one do I take orders
So I'll rot in the gutter in this Free society.
Freedom, freedom
Born free on free land
The land doesn't own itself
Lose your money and see your chains
Who can afford these restaurants?
Who can afford these overpriced drinks at these fancy bars?
Slaves can
And those born into cash and status cars
Get off your dole, mister or misses, see your chains
There is no real reason for homelessness
to the losers of their birth-right
It's a lot of hopelessness
Good luck living out there like this
I've done it like this once before
Let's take the system to its knees
Let's make it pay for long lost needs
Freedom, Freedom
Born free on free land
The land doesn't own itself
Lose your money and see your chains


Thursday, 26 May 2016

Face the Reign - Song Release - Open Source Musick Projekt

The info in the description of this song is here:

One thing I dislike about conventional music production is that it does not allow for spontaneous music creation and production.

You must spend months on a single set of songs in order to get them properly recorded and produced and then spend more months promoting exactly the same songs you started with, with slight variations.

The issue I have with this, is that musick is coming out of me all the time. And I can't wait months to get something that is current to the energy flow of mass consciousness out. It must be expressed as soon as it is created and made available. As a channel of a symbol of energy this is my responsibility to 'mind'. I must get it out now! So I must have a method of production and recording with which I can immediately produce and distribute music.

Spend a week on a song if you have to but not months and months and months and by the time we get it, it tastes like a piece of sour stale bread and we expect people to eat it up and say, "Yes, this is good music."

Musick when having lost its spontaneity is no longer musick. It is not authentic. It has simply become a robotic repetition.

This is my view, criticize it if you will but I demand - musick must be spontaneous! The more spontaneous, the more authentic. We are channels of energy and that energy flows through us current-ly.

I wrote this song two days ago, I found a feel in another song I really liked and I reproduced that feel, I recorded it and produced it today. Here it is for your listening pleasure.

"Freely you have received, freely give."

Music is Free.


Face the Reign by MONTEGO IKARUS

How much longer can we suffer like this?
The storm rips the ether to and fro, everything, is empty
We all do what we can with what we have until we're dead
Good luck surviving out there, in weather like this

Stay here and face the demon or wander amongst the dead
In the face of the storm's peak, the rain thunders down with no sign of stopping
Face the demon or get wet, very wet
As above so below, I'll soak if I have to

Independence, independence, we dream of independence
Slave away for 20 years get your house where you can sit
Remedy your pain with addiction, And die when you're dead
Dead inside for being forced through a small hole with a tight push

The clock listens intently and responds with a click
Bound by a body that can only get sick and die
What a sick joke, god, as we know it, does not exist
No god would rationally make this, Chaos in a form reigns

Have another coffee, add more sugar, shut up and drink your black muck
Complain and get a worse lot, those who fight die fighting
Travel light my dear friend, may substance not be your only friend
except maybe oxygen, it's all you've got is breath

Allow yourself to breathe
Allow yourself to breathe
It's all you've got, is breath
It's all you've got, is breath

Monday, 9 May 2016

Lyrics to the songs of "Domestic Terrorist"

Here are the lyrics to the album Domestic Terrorist which can be found here - , please learn and share these songs. If you would like chords and other technical information for learning the material please email Monty on

If you would like custom mixes of any of the tracks (eg only vocals or other parts) for the purpose of making electronic and/or experimental music please email me at the above address also.

Music is free,



1. Picture Perfect

Look at me I’ve got big muscles
I can best you in a fight
Don’t have the guns without the willingness to use them
Those are the rules of the game

So many minds have a picture
Of what they wish to become
What will they do when they find out
We’re already equal and one

How many of you bodies will listen
To stop and think for yourselves
Your body is not a picture
Sitting on the wall of insanity
It’s insanity ---, It’s insanity ---, It’s insanity ---, It’s insanity ---

I’m getting lonely in this picture
No one alive as of late
All concerned with being a fiction
and how to be the best sex bait

When will we find the love intrinsic
What we are and what we’ll be
Spirit, Love and Longevity
Precious peace, precious peace
How many of you bodies will listen
To stop and think for yourselves
Your body is not a picture
Sitting on the wall of insanity
It’s insanity ---, It’s insanity ---, It’s insanity ---, It’s insanity ---


2. Patient Lessons
I’m sick to death of the confusion
I’ve shown you so many times

I’ve sick to death of the confusion
I’ve shown you so many times

I made you wait
I kept your secrets
I made you wait
I kept you in my heart
You’re here
You’re here
You’re here
You’re here
You’re here
Working through this world of lies
Who’ll break the chain, preserving innocence
None of it is given, all of it can change
Who will take the pain
Who will stand sane

3. This burning tie that binds us
It’s amazing it’s almost like it wants to be
These feelers, reaching making clean --
No money left
Please pour acid on my head

I’m feeling, it hurts
Our connection, by the tie
It hurts
I’m worried sick,
where were you calling
I’ve had no news
from hearing about you
So tread the line be careful
I’m trying to think while this racket goes on in my head
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa
So hear it, be careful
Design is here and what’s left, what’s left?
A razor cuts the wind, planned and juicy this one seems
Let’s roll out the gutter
Let’s roll out the gutter ---

A mend for your cut ‘twas bleeding on me
Let’s look into some, alternative, therapy

I’m worried sick,
where were you calling
I’ve had no news
from hearing about you
So tread the line be careful
I’m trying to think while this racket goes on in my head
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa
Do do doo do
4. Drug of Ages

Uppermiddle class how long will your wealth be safe, I wonder
You hold just enough capital collectively, to start the ball rolling on something serious
Or will you wait in safeness for your safeness to be plucked from you and say goodbye
Say goodbye to all the good reasons you like, Bohemian Freo

We are demons and we have no control and control is our opium, yeah x2
Oh audience of Freo, won’t you let go of the past,
what you remember is what you repeat
The path you focus on, is the path that lights up and
it’s the path you’ll concrete
War is not necessary, but we’re bound to compete
Competitions’ bonds sold
for every soul deceased
Reap your rewards now, before the ripe time,
everybody dies in the end
We are demons and we have no control and control is our opium, yeah x2
Oh future free people, won’t you look up to the sky and feel the stars in your eyes
The earth is moving in a corkscrew fashion, we are never in the same place twice
The manner of each new moment is a new beginning and every meme and necessary end
Won’t you look up to the life that will become because we’ve given it the space to be what it is

We are demons and we have no control and control is our opium, yeah x4
5. Sovereign

I am not your slave and I will not be told what to do, by you
I am not your slave and I will not be told what to do, by you

We are free because we say we are
We are the authority because we say we are
I open the door in your mind this day
To culture life that never withers away

oo-oo-ooh, oo-oo-ooh
I am not your slave and I will not be told what to do by the money in your pocket
I am not your slave and I will not be told what to do by the piece of paper on your wall
We are free because we say we are
We are the authority because we say we are
I open the door in your mind this day
to culture life that never withers away

oo-oo-ooh, oo-oo-ooh

La da doo doo dee da da

6. Is this Real?
Don’t believe in the terror
Most of it is a lie
Take the step and block your ears to the bobble head kind
Take control of your senses
Game, Game learn this sick game
You cannot trust it to be what it says
But you can trust it to be what it is

The revolution of the mind
Will not be on TV
Those with big estates will hold their stasis
A status to the end, oh, oh

Is this real?
Is this real?
As I’ve stated you must open up and toy the question is this all flop
your mind’s been trained to work against
To stop self discovery of you who you truly are

Wake up divine master, within you
Wake the love and compassion

Wake up what is waiting, inside you
Show us what you’ve got

Wake up Divine Master, within you
Wake the love and compassion
An ocean of energy as a reservoir is at your beck and call
Use it well, to heal the masses of delusions disease of grandeur and specialty

7. Catch the Monkey
I saw on the horizon hope
Without which we’d all be dead
Grab your bags, the night is leaving soon
We can stay here no longer
The earth has come to swallow, us up, again

I do feel you’re making me complete
I do feel it will work itself all out
Throughout the ages, we have not failed
Throughout all time, our love’s prevailed

Catch yourself, by the monkey’s tail
He’s doing it again, again
This monkey mind
Where’s the respect
We’ve got to find him again, in there, somewhere

Where is freedom’s folly control
Where have you been my friend control
The doors of perception will open, to those
Who breathe, and breathe, and breathe

But I’ve got an appointment
But I’ve got to feed my children
I can’t afford to stop, and breathe, and breathe

But I’ve got an appointment
But I’ve got to feed my children
I can’t afford to stop, and breathe, and breathe
and breathe and breathe and breathe
and breathe and breathe and breathe and breathe
and breathe

Catch yourself, by the monkey’s tail
He’s doing it again, again
This monkey mind
Where’s the respect
We’ve got to find him again, in there, somewhere

Open up to the deepest love
The heart is full for you
Out of breath and deep in touch
We’ll make believe again

Open up to the deepest love
The heart is full for you
Out of touch and deep in love
We’ll make believe again, again
8. My Precious Ask
Is it too much to ask, to be left alone
I ask one thing from you, leave me alone
Everybody needs a space, where they can be alone
It seems always around every corner
A dick to dip their bit

Go away back biters
Go away red fangs and bloody hands
Go away ferocious campers
Leave me alone, Leave me alone

Go away back biters
Go away red fangs, bloody hands
Go away ferocious campers
Leave me alone
Leave it all alone! Oh oh

How hard is it to do, this one thing
Leave me alone, leave me alone
When I clear space around me, It means I need the space around me cleared
Emotional succateurs, bug off!

Go away slanderous ditties
Go away cankerous swine
Be gone evil, venomous snakes
Leave me alone, leave me alone

Go away back biters
Go away red fangs and bloody hands
Go away ferocious campers
I need this space to survive
And you can’t have it!

Solo Space – (16 bars)

Go away slanderous ditties
Go away cankerous swine
Be gone evil, venomous snakes
Leave me alone, leave me alone

Go away back biters
Go away red fangs and bloody hands
Go away ferocious campers
I need this space to survive
And you can’t have it!
9. Lorelei
This is the story of a girl
Her name is Lorelie
She convinced me I needed her love
Or I would die
She had so much love to give
Out of thin air, love she made, believe!
She owns all my love
She is love’s inventor

Saved me from the meat market push and shove, yes she did
Saved me from the meat market push and shove, oh yeah

Then like a contract from the Devil
She made me sign a pact
To owe her love back to a level
What to do with love’s die cast
This debt accrues with interest
And she is the only one love that can beset
Interest perpetually accumulates on interest
Creating an infinitely unpayable debt
So what will it be, love struck folly
Deep love, deeper love, love slave or love shit


(This is a very different story and I’m about to tell it to you now)

Lorelie is the bank that owns the world
Her love is the money that enslaves the people
It can never be paid back
Because the self created source is not generous but is spiteful and brooding
Stop the cycle
That won’t stop until you act
One, love your neighbour
Two, burn the banks
And teach your children to produce as well as consume
Take control and run money as the people, yeah, oh yeah

Fat cats, sit on their wealth
Dragons sleep on gold
They both know something we don’t
Only a select few can live and not be sold
Poverty and pain
Is inevitable and even necessary
To maintain the status quo
Of the current economic reign

Throw out the government, burn the banks
They’re giving thin air for your blood, your sweat, and your tears
Money is not good enough
Money cannot breathe
It’s not even good as a rag to wipe something I shouldn’t say in front of the kids
Money is not good enough
Money cannot breathe
It’s not even good enough to wipe something unsavoury to say at this time of the evening

Money is not good enough
Money cannot breathe
It’s even running out of its value as the crux of good toilet humour

(must be pretty worthless then hey?)

Deep love, deeper love
Love slave, love shit

Deep love, deeper love
Love slave, love shit
Wake up, wake up
I want to tell you what to do
The demon of conflict has need to be entertained
As the creeping strain takes hold of my neck stronghold
I haven’t yet any set rules for this pain

Listen pippet, listen poppet
I have a story to tell
Give you pantomime, a relish
We can ready the hell
Filling up, going over
No one’s looking are they?
Secret sneaking, stepping leching
Here’s your fix, do not pay

Are you sure, are you sure
I want to give you my heart, my soul my love and my dole
Cannon fodder in freedom’s name
I open the door to the commanding bane

Feeling like I have got a new disease
Please open your mind and let your body be free
Applause, applause bring the house down down
The devil’s got his pulpits inside and out of town

Emotions are the games of the entities
Give them your number and they’ll call you into tease
A little tickling phrase
A passing question worlds of words away
Bring us the new unification
Every God has its day

Sacred secret by the river way
It will be given to all who ask freely
Fine dining with a snake or bear if it’s shit that you do when it is you are scared!

The Devil seems to blame
For every passing flame
Past civilisations, Gods of old
Rolled into one
Conquered people’s had their deities demonized
Every blood bath, every war
Was God’s dice toss for top prize

Little people, little people
We have not changed
New myths of son and suns, have begun
Open your eyes up to astro-theology
Learn religion past
Through ages past astrology
We make it up
We made it up
We believe a literal fairytale
Based on stars over sail

Fess up
Show it up
Take responsibility
Or has the Devil got – your – back – up!

(on this one)
(You’re gonna have to do your own thinking)
(not rely on those myths)
(Jesus, allah, buddha, thor, jupiter, Zagreus, Orpheus, Mithra, Enki, Anu, Baal - Bullshit)
(breathe, breathe, breathe)
(baby breathe)
11. First World Blues
If you wanna be a lover, you can be a lover
If you wanna be a fool, then be afraid
If you want the world to end, it can end for you
You can do all that, yeah, good for you

If you wanna be a winner, then go out and win something
If you wanna be a loser, then you’ll have to lose a thing
And if you wanna be a stray, you can do that quite comfortably too
You have all rights and luxuries because you were born in a first world country
Yeah, good for you
What an achievement
You worked so hard for that

If you wanna be a worker in a fantasy trade
You can try selling cupcakes and live in sugar’s malaise
If you wanna walk on the moon, wake stanley from his grave
And if you wanna be a spiritual teacher, go jump in a lake

If you wanna get married have a cup of tea instead
It’s much better than all that
If you want to make real money
Then start a war
That’s right you’re the bank
You’ve got the money
Fund both sides
You’re in control

How hard it is to find
Good help around here
Who wants to serve the people that need the servin’
If we’re gonna make it work
For all of us
Some of us sometime will have to practice, curbing our desires
(give up that 400 dollar pair o' shoes)
(Or that fancy new handbag)
(Or that mcmansion upgrade)
(Why do we need all this space?)
12. Focus on the Need

As I look into the wheels of time
I feel sister death is burning
Down the river of time I feel
A dark cloud is brewing

Focus on the need, baby
Focus on the need, baby
You’ll find your way in the darkness
If you, focus on the need, baby

This world’s a carnivale, a system circus
An ocean of need sublime
Through the curtains cracks, I see a bored puppet hoard
Have another swig from the river of time


I stand as I am
I use what I have
I do what I can
I am, I am

Straight into V3:
Peeling back and brother’s defences
The onion world of parapet fences
Opening up to new beginnings
Be a neophile, a legend of time


All will see, see it on the street
Golden wine divine, I'm here to eat, here to eat
Hold the pace and keep up for a little bit longer
Train the vines to the weeds, to the weeds
Simple trust, simple elegance, the pavement walks
The night its prey
Keep the sadists looking for me
Plaster thickens as it dries
Create a Set mould then

Break free
Break free with me
Break free 1 2 3

Break free
Break free with me
Break free, break free

Fishing lonely patiently
Fall it on my line, I'll reel in a sleeper's dream, a sleeper's dream
Fawns surrounding canter to the thought that it was all done deliberately deliberately
Flecks and worries catch every tassle
Little women pull, steady and firm
Praise the jungle and its artistry
Praise the day, the day our hearts are bleeding

Unfortuitous, frivolous desire delines your faces glint
Sick the trees attached the weeds
Sucking the pond of desire solid
Ohh, oh, oh, whoa
All will see, see it, on the street

All will see, see it, on the street
All will see, see it, on the street

Golden wine divine oh make me mine, I'm here to eat, I'm here to eat
Corrosive substance to melt the locks that, keeps the keys
Some people have it easy, inexplicable implosion impending
Others work for their graves, others work for their graves
Others work for their graves, others work for their graves

Blue metal chips fall through the cracks in the grate underneath your feet
A splosh, a clank, a splatter, a shatter, a scream
Weeping and gnashing, gnashing of teeth, of teeth
Weeping and gnashing, gnashing of teeth, of teeth

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Jam at Gypsy Tapas House - Sovereign by Montego Ikarus

Here is a jam we had at Gypsy Tapas House, Fremantle. Thanks to Andrew Litster and co from Murdoch University for the video. This song is called, "Sovereign" from the upcoming album release called, "Domestic Terrorist." This was taken down when I posted it on facebook because of this name in the title. So here I am reposting it again on this blog. The release of 'Domestic Terrorist' will be on the 23rd of June at Gypsy Tapas.

Tappas JAM"" Montego Ikarus at Gypsy Tapas from Andrew Litster "Ace FiveMAn" on Vimeo.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Latenight thoughts

A darkness encased in love
He lingers on my breath
Waiting for a release
"Wander now, my dawdling
Travel deep and far into the abyss."

He wanders
He returns

I have seen many great things master
But the greatest of these I cannot tell
For it would be a great crime against love to do so

What do you withhold from me little one?

Nothing that needs be met your ear good sir. You would do better to go without, than to suffer the knowledge of this.

I trust your judgement
But it troubles me greatly that there is something so grave
Not even you can tell your master of it

I wander
I wander into the abyss
I return

An 'I' returns
Not the same I that left.

Ask nothing

Trust the trustworthy

Trust what has nothing to gain from your trust

Trust love

Save innocence

Just cause you can shit in your hand doesn't mean you need to know the experience of doing so

Rationally withhold curiosity


Saturday, 12 March 2016

Free Online Sound

Here is where Montego will dump all available sound and recordings online:

Added 14/9/16 -
Live recording of crowd funding launch at the Fibonacci Centre, Fremantle -
 The song 'Is this Real' translated into French -

Added 8th of July 2016 - The Grand Moveable Feast -

Added 27/5/2016 - Spur of the moment recording -

Added May 12th, 2016 -- A blues version of the Freedom Song for a Free West Papua recorded at Mojos in North Fremantle:

Added May 9th, 2016 -- The concept album 'Domestic Terrorist' available for free download here -
Crowd funding for the professional production of this album can be found here:

Added May 9th, 2016 -- Jammin' with the Devil #1, live CD with Steve Brocas of Mahatma Blues on lead guitar available for free download here:

Added May 2nd, 2016 -- A concept recording by Montego called 'Break Free'

Added here March 3rd, 2016 -- A recent gig at the Gaslight Club in Fremantle - Jan 2016 -

Added here March 3rd, 2016 -- See for a temporary destination of upload until Montego was shocked to find that Soundcloud charge for your account when loaded with too much music.

Added here March 3rd, 2016 -- See for some shonky recordings done through an amp in Edinburgh 2014 through the Fringe.

Added here March 3rd, 2016 -- Montego started a small band In 2006 called Sink, some recordings remain

Sunday, 6 March 2016

The state of what is called music in the modern capitalist environment

The state of music appreciation as programmed by the corporate media to the mass public, and therefore the world:

Repetition is the master of learning.

The human brain is trained by repetition of something in our environment.

The frequency of which you see, taste, touch, smell, hear something trains your mind to have a tendency toward that thing linked with an emotional disposition.

This is how advertising works.

See something 17 times and that's the magick number you must see it before you buy it.


The Australian public, through mass media - TV and radio, have been trained by the corporate owners who control these lines of communication to like shallow, musically non-substantial, upbeat, hightone, hyper-sexual propaganda. The Australian public understand this bullshit to be the definition of music.

Their desires are not their own, their desires are not decided by them but by the frequency of something repeating in their environment and sphere or mind-energy-information-field.

If you watch TV and/or listen to the radio on a regular basis controlled and paid for by these corporations - your mind is not your own but an average of all the repetitions you have seen or heard.

Input = Output

Collectively the mass public affects the smaller minorities via 'critical mass' on a greater consciousness level and humanity as a whole depreciates its taste in real musick.

What the mass knows, we all know.

No need to watch or listen to these things yourself.

This is the mind and this is how it works.

Fields of information, not limited to the brain. The mind is not a brain.

The mind is first a body and then space between everything = ether.

Quantum reality.

Let us disarm the Mass Perception from the corporate media masters by infiltrating the mass media.

-- Montego Ikarus

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Orgasm - Poem/Diatribe

Like an incipit ghost
She wanders around
Pretending not to be dead
I feel the wheel of chaos it's turning
Caught in the charm of the moment
I beckon
"As long as it's something sinister,
I don't mind," She starts morosely
looking away to blow on a cigarette
"I like your idea of fun
I can only get off if it's naughty
Yes, it has to be naughty
Guilt and fear only, make it worth it
Though a far distant spectre
I don't feel those things anymore
I've pressed that button too many times
I just toy with myself,
Maybe I'll feel again
Tempting myself with something untouchable
I, the willing self flagellator
I flagellate my emotions over by back in quick nasty pride
like a whip of nine
I crave a split!
I crave blood!
But blood cannot come
I can't hurt myself any longer
Not because I choose not to
But because I don't feel hurt
In a spacious cloud prison of mind
I only feel a faint thud or if lucky, once every now and then, a light scratch
I lick the wound up quickly
Embracing the moment
Thanking the Gods, I have felt something, anything
I am a shell
A husk of a shell
of a husk of a shell
Forever wanderer
A shadow
Death cannot be found
Because I am death
And in this sense
The doing of death can only be had in the living of my life."

-- Montego Ikarus