Thursday, 26 May 2016

Face the Reign - Song Release - Open Source Musick Projekt

The info in the description of this song is here:

One thing I dislike about conventional music production is that it does not allow for spontaneous music creation and production.

You must spend months on a single set of songs in order to get them properly recorded and produced and then spend more months promoting exactly the same songs you started with, with slight variations.

The issue I have with this, is that musick is coming out of me all the time. And I can't wait months to get something that is current to the energy flow of mass consciousness out. It must be expressed as soon as it is created and made available. As a channel of a symbol of energy this is my responsibility to 'mind'. I must get it out now! So I must have a method of production and recording with which I can immediately produce and distribute music.

Spend a week on a song if you have to but not months and months and months and by the time we get it, it tastes like a piece of sour stale bread and we expect people to eat it up and say, "Yes, this is good music."

Musick when having lost its spontaneity is no longer musick. It is not authentic. It has simply become a robotic repetition.

This is my view, criticize it if you will but I demand - musick must be spontaneous! The more spontaneous, the more authentic. We are channels of energy and that energy flows through us current-ly.

I wrote this song two days ago, I found a feel in another song I really liked and I reproduced that feel, I recorded it and produced it today. Here it is for your listening pleasure.

"Freely you have received, freely give."

Music is Free.


Face the Reign by MONTEGO IKARUS

How much longer can we suffer like this?
The storm rips the ether to and fro, everything, is empty
We all do what we can with what we have until we're dead
Good luck surviving out there, in weather like this

Stay here and face the demon or wander amongst the dead
In the face of the storm's peak, the rain thunders down with no sign of stopping
Face the demon or get wet, very wet
As above so below, I'll soak if I have to

Independence, independence, we dream of independence
Slave away for 20 years get your house where you can sit
Remedy your pain with addiction, And die when you're dead
Dead inside for being forced through a small hole with a tight push

The clock listens intently and responds with a click
Bound by a body that can only get sick and die
What a sick joke, god, as we know it, does not exist
No god would rationally make this, Chaos in a form reigns

Have another coffee, add more sugar, shut up and drink your black muck
Complain and get a worse lot, those who fight die fighting
Travel light my dear friend, may substance not be your only friend
except maybe oxygen, it's all you've got is breath

Allow yourself to breathe
Allow yourself to breathe
It's all you've got, is breath
It's all you've got, is breath

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