Wednesday 3 June 2015

How God fooled us all - The beginning of psychological slavery using a guilt complex derived from original sin which rationalises the irrational justification of an unjust banking system to which we are physically enslaved

The story of Adam and Eve, is just a story.

Yes, but let us analyse this story in a little detail.

In modern psychology and NLP (a branch of research dedicated to control the uninhibited-actions-part-of-the-brain to utilize it for a purpose) we have discovered that if you are told NOT to do something or NOT to think about something, it is exactly what you will find yourself dwelling on.

One could argue that in the story of Adam and Even, it was God's intention to get Eve to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree all along.

He told her, this is the one thing you CANNOT do. God, being God, knowing what humans are and their tendencies and their uninhibited world of thought (because he created them didn't he?), basically told them, GO AND EAT OF THAT TREE! By telling them - DO NOT EAT OF THAT TREE.

Then after it happened, he had a reason to blame them for everything. And we have the idea that sin is inherent within all of us because Adam and Even (ha, I keep on mispelling Eve this way) sinned first and we are their descendants.

Was God jealous of our physicality? Well, he wanted to create a race of people he could put all of his suppressed anger within. He created the race and all of its quirky uninhibited tendencies for the supreme, specific purpose of taking the blame for everything, and living a life of guilt for eternity.

This should really be put another way for you all to understand more clearly in a practical political context of todays shit-is-hitting-the-fan-right-now-world.

Welcome to the class system. There is a set of knowledge, rules and morality taught to the lower classes and then there is a clearly different view of reality that is taught to the ruling class by the ruling class.

We are taught that we are born into sin and this is proven to have been true (by this impregnable story), for the purpose of making it feel that we, the lower classes, owe something constantly and can never pay back what we owe, and thereby are constantly indebted to something greater than us.

Sounds like a pretty good psychological fit for the banking system don't it? We work, work, work, getting forever in debt and always having to pay off what we owe, when those that are born into the correct family live a very different life with a very different education.

You owe no one anything.

Wake up to the reality, that this world-system was not made in your favor.

It was made to control you and morality as defined by the church is a part of it.

Let us write music, let us write music about this, about this deception about the effect this 'guilt' has had on our consciousness throughout the millenia.

As God, as your own God, forgive yourself. Move on. Let's free the people from psychological slavery.


Monty xx

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