Monday 18 July 2016


Awesome clip created by Tom and Gerry. Including live footage of music from the launch on the 7th of the 7th.
Standing up for what is real has become increasingly a state of Domestic Terrorism. Now by standing up for your sovereign rights in Australia you are deemed a potential terrorist threat by the Australian government. This is the basis behind the name and it is not to mock or denigrate people involved in or killed in real attacks - To whom I extend my condolences.

Friday 15 July 2016

Cat Massacre by Cell Phone Inundation Legal in Ghana Due to Worldwide Pokemon Craze!

Cat's are seen to be pokemon by troubled Nsawam population

Recently in small town Nsawam, Ghana, there has been a recent cat massacre purportedly approved by the local authorities. This has come about from many of its citizens getting low grade internet and watching people in western countries play the recent cult hit video game made for a smart phone - "Pokemon Go".

There were numerous written requests and even violent molatov accompanied requests to the local authorities regarding a fight for the inequality that people in western countries can eat and have a reasonably good life, regardless of the socio-political status and still walk around all day playing a stupid game, at times even 'pouncing' off cliffs in order to catch their elusive prey.

As a short term solution the local council has decided it best to use this opportunity to quell the local rising cat population and has publicly broadcast that mobile phones (no matter what type) are indeed 'pokeballs' and that cats (the real ones you see walking around the streets of Nsawam) are 'pokemon'. And that to catch them you must throw your mobile at the cat until it is dead.

"The streets, although filled with life, joy and laughter are also covered in cat blood." - Owner of Everything in Nsawam.

Local animal rights activists that have intercepted such a negative ploy to animal rights fear this trend may hit record highs and all villages in lower socio-economic practices around Africa will take to the sport.

"It's an abusive sport. We've got to stop it before it's too late," Sandra Poo, local animal rights extremist.

Unfortunately we haven't heard anything back from the region regarding the development of this 'fad'. Insiders fear it may be caused by lack of a means of communication to our wealthy central towers in Western London. It seems even Sandra Poo has 'Thrown the phone.'

Next on Dead Reality - "Throwing the phone" the new kickphrase that has memes, lolcat and the rest of the first world cackling; what could be more innocent than throwing your phone at a dead cat?!"

 - Plant your pokemon under a tree and wait for rain

 - lolcat isn't funny anymore

Sunday 10 July 2016

Montego Ikarus Crowd Funding Campaign 2016

Contribute here:

Montego Ikarus to record first studio album. Support activism, support independent music. Free download of concept album to be had here: 

Thank you Andrew Litster for making this interview and volunteering his services.

Thursday 7 July 2016

Be Yourself - Spontaneous Writing

If I lie to the police
I get a court order
If the TV lies to me and 20 million others
It’s a fine sunny day

Call it what you want
Justify it how you like
But I’ve got one name for it
I call it fascism

The web of lies
The den of lunatics
Runs so deep
We’ve forgotten real reality
Sullied amongst the depths

Freedom, freedom
We say, we scream
Equality, democracy
Dogma for dogs
Get them while they’re young
Totalitarianism by any other name
Never tasted so sweet

The media controls the mind
The mind controls the group
The people are controlled
Free choice is an illusion
A dogma like democracy
Frequency, repetition, vibration
affects water

Be water my friend
I am water, I’ve no choice
Water is tangible, moveable, changeable
imprintable, lovable, hateable, indelible,
Be what you are
We whatever you want your water to be
Turn off the TV, Burn the Newspaper
Control your water my friend
Control yourself
Love yourself

-- montego ikarus