Sunday 13 March 2016

Latenight thoughts

A darkness encased in love
He lingers on my breath
Waiting for a release
"Wander now, my dawdling
Travel deep and far into the abyss."

He wanders
He returns

I have seen many great things master
But the greatest of these I cannot tell
For it would be a great crime against love to do so

What do you withhold from me little one?

Nothing that needs be met your ear good sir. You would do better to go without, than to suffer the knowledge of this.

I trust your judgement
But it troubles me greatly that there is something so grave
Not even you can tell your master of it

I wander
I wander into the abyss
I return

An 'I' returns
Not the same I that left.

Ask nothing

Trust the trustworthy

Trust what has nothing to gain from your trust

Trust love

Save innocence

Just cause you can shit in your hand doesn't mean you need to know the experience of doing so

Rationally withhold curiosity


Saturday 12 March 2016

Free Online Sound

Here is where Montego will dump all available sound and recordings online:

Added 14/9/16 -
Live recording of crowd funding launch at the Fibonacci Centre, Fremantle -
 The song 'Is this Real' translated into French -

Added 8th of July 2016 - The Grand Moveable Feast -

Added 27/5/2016 - Spur of the moment recording -

Added May 12th, 2016 -- A blues version of the Freedom Song for a Free West Papua recorded at Mojos in North Fremantle:

Added May 9th, 2016 -- The concept album 'Domestic Terrorist' available for free download here -
Crowd funding for the professional production of this album can be found here:

Added May 9th, 2016 -- Jammin' with the Devil #1, live CD with Steve Brocas of Mahatma Blues on lead guitar available for free download here:

Added May 2nd, 2016 -- A concept recording by Montego called 'Break Free'

Added here March 3rd, 2016 -- A recent gig at the Gaslight Club in Fremantle - Jan 2016 -

Added here March 3rd, 2016 -- See for a temporary destination of upload until Montego was shocked to find that Soundcloud charge for your account when loaded with too much music.

Added here March 3rd, 2016 -- See for some shonky recordings done through an amp in Edinburgh 2014 through the Fringe.

Added here March 3rd, 2016 -- Montego started a small band In 2006 called Sink, some recordings remain

Sunday 6 March 2016

The state of what is called music in the modern capitalist environment

The state of music appreciation as programmed by the corporate media to the mass public, and therefore the world:

Repetition is the master of learning.

The human brain is trained by repetition of something in our environment.

The frequency of which you see, taste, touch, smell, hear something trains your mind to have a tendency toward that thing linked with an emotional disposition.

This is how advertising works.

See something 17 times and that's the magick number you must see it before you buy it.


The Australian public, through mass media - TV and radio, have been trained by the corporate owners who control these lines of communication to like shallow, musically non-substantial, upbeat, hightone, hyper-sexual propaganda. The Australian public understand this bullshit to be the definition of music.

Their desires are not their own, their desires are not decided by them but by the frequency of something repeating in their environment and sphere or mind-energy-information-field.

If you watch TV and/or listen to the radio on a regular basis controlled and paid for by these corporations - your mind is not your own but an average of all the repetitions you have seen or heard.

Input = Output

Collectively the mass public affects the smaller minorities via 'critical mass' on a greater consciousness level and humanity as a whole depreciates its taste in real musick.

What the mass knows, we all know.

No need to watch or listen to these things yourself.

This is the mind and this is how it works.

Fields of information, not limited to the brain. The mind is not a brain.

The mind is first a body and then space between everything = ether.

Quantum reality.

Let us disarm the Mass Perception from the corporate media masters by infiltrating the mass media.

-- Montego Ikarus

Saturday 5 March 2016

Orgasm - Poem/Diatribe

Like an incipit ghost
She wanders around
Pretending not to be dead
I feel the wheel of chaos it's turning
Caught in the charm of the moment
I beckon
"As long as it's something sinister,
I don't mind," She starts morosely
looking away to blow on a cigarette
"I like your idea of fun
I can only get off if it's naughty
Yes, it has to be naughty
Guilt and fear only, make it worth it
Though a far distant spectre
I don't feel those things anymore
I've pressed that button too many times
I just toy with myself,
Maybe I'll feel again
Tempting myself with something untouchable
I, the willing self flagellator
I flagellate my emotions over by back in quick nasty pride
like a whip of nine
I crave a split!
I crave blood!
But blood cannot come
I can't hurt myself any longer
Not because I choose not to
But because I don't feel hurt
In a spacious cloud prison of mind
I only feel a faint thud or if lucky, once every now and then, a light scratch
I lick the wound up quickly
Embracing the moment
Thanking the Gods, I have felt something, anything
I am a shell
A husk of a shell
of a husk of a shell
Forever wanderer
A shadow
Death cannot be found
Because I am death
And in this sense
The doing of death can only be had in the living of my life."

-- Montego Ikarus