Tuesday 14 July 2015

I am alone - the necessary isolation of the mind

 In today's group-mind of the 'civilized world' it is important to learn how to isolate ourselves from group-minds that are toxic, especially that of the 'status-quo'. We must develop the ability to switch oneness on and off at will.

The main status-quo group-mind of the civilized world is the sum of all its parts equalized.

Of course there are separate group minds for different countries, cities, religions and other major societal factors but there is a global information field that has its toxic hold on the facade we get fooled by on the first consultation of the consciousness we assume to be 'me'.

On a day to day basis we participate in many group-minds, sometimes simultaneously. And also all these group-minds conglomerated in one experience is its own one singular mind.

For example, if there is a particular like for the colour purple in 10% of the world's population and you have no contact with any person, through the mind (consciousness field) which is non-local to the body, you will develop a liking for the colour purple.

We must discipline ourselves to understand what 'thought' and what 'like' comes from where and why and then consciously choose - "Do I want this as a part of my living reality?".

REQUIRED: Self-defense systems to train your intuition and find hard reference points by which to create a benevolent reality.

What exists now is an abusive reality based on pain to feed particular tendencies that feed on this pain.

Have you ever wondered why things are organized the way they are in 'civil-society' and thought, "It is completely irrational"? But it claims to be based on rational deduction. Are you sick of just accepting what the system says is scientific and what experts say, when events compulsively occur to the opposite of what they are saying?

In order to see the view point that deliberately created this reality as a reality of pain, one must find a reference point solid within one's self - separate from this reality of pain.

Find the solid foundation of self-trust that cannot be moved. Then cling to it with all your life and grow your lofty organism from this unchangeable anchor.

Good luck.

Breathing meditation | becoming aware of changes in breath in everyday activities | choosing to be one with or separate from a particular group mind no matter how big or small at will | self affirmation - I am alone | maintain constant awareness within and as everyday life.




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