Monday 6 July 2015

Don't Sign the TPP! - Open Source Musick

Here's a song I wrote today about stopping the TPP!

This is part of the Open Source Musick Projekt - so do what you like with it!
Don't Sign the TPP by Montego Ikarus

Chords - G, A#, F#, C - In the video I use sevenths

Has anyone heard about the TPP
It's equivalent to the end - of democracy

It's dubbed a free trade agreement - but it's about investor's rights
and they're expecting the people to submit without a fight

It would all be done in secret - except for wikileaks
Who keep giving we the people - our lucky breaks

This Trans-Pacific-Partnership - allows major corporations to sue
sovereign governments for laws they won't undo

It isn't right [for this part I just go from G to A#]
It isn't right


If we vote something in - that infringes on their profits
The people's government is taken to an international courtroom and forced to pay for their losses
(That's our taxes - sport!)

This is not freedom, this is not democracy
I do not sit quietly and wait - while our ministers sign the TPP

This is not freedom, this is not democracy
I do not sit quietly and wait - while our ministers sign the TPP


[Repeat until TPP is abolished]

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